--------------NEW BEGINNINGS------------

This is the first day of the rest of my life. As the snow melts away and leads to new beginnings, new life, and new seasons, my life is in the same process. I choose to embrace the future and see where it will lead me. I am going to walk into my future blindly, trusting God to lead me all the way.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I am unable to sleep tonight - a winter storm is beginning outside and I am laying awake thinking about these two incredible individuals. Josh asked Rebekah to marry him. I must admit when Josh first told Ed and I, I was shocked. Don't get me wrong, I love Rebekah and I look forward to the day she is my daughter. However, I wanted to see Josh through college before he took on the role of husband. HUSBAND - it sounds strange to say (type) my 19 year old son will probably be a husband before the end of 2007:

Eph 5:31-33
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." 32 This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

I say it seems strange, however in 1983 Ed and I were married and we too were only 19 years old. I like to say we were more mature, however I don't think my inlaws would agree! I was praying and thinking about Josh and Rebekah tonight and I am at peace. The two of them have something that Ed and I didn't when we got married and that is a relationship with Jesus, we knew of Him, but we didn't have a relationship with Him, nor did we have the Holy Ghost. I know too, that this is not something they just decided on a whim, they have prayed and sought God on this. I do not know Gods plan for their life, only He does and I trust them and I trust Him with them both, I just need to go to the word for evidence of that:

Jer 29:11-13

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

That says it all! I have found that even though we struggle in life, it tends to make us stronger and where would I have been without my God and my Ed. God has been so gracious to Ed and I and although we didn't start out walking in the way we should have, God never gave up on us and when we yielded to Him, He opened the door and came in, in a mighty way, a life changing way and has blessed us beyond our expectations. This is what Josh and Rebekah have, the knowledge of God and their love for one another, so I say - CONGRATUALTIONS, I am happy and excited for the two of them and love them very much!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

JOHN 3:16

John 3:16

16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ( unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

For the last few weeks God has really being doing some things in my heart. Part of that is it is time to get serious. There are those we love and know that are sick, hurting, depressed, going to hell, brokenhearted, bitter, overcome by circumstances, you name it and the enemy is bringing it on. What price are you and I willing to pay for those we know, and those we don't - they may just be individuals we come into contact with and have an opportunity to share the love of Jesus, and that wouldn't be by accident, but are we even paying any attention.

God spoke to me Sunday night and though He loves us so much as stated above, He wants, no demands all of our hearts. He knows what each of us is going through. There are things that people are going through that they have spoken to no one about, but God knows. He loves you and desires you to come to Him and to SERVE Him, and He also wants us to acknowledge who HE is, bow our knees and worship Him. There is so much more, dare we enter in, dare we give our whole hearts to the one who made them in the first place. I know I can't go on like before - time is short and I must be about my Fathers business. God help me, because I don't want emotion, although it seems as though I am very emotional as I am drawing nearer to Him.

I posted this verse because at 3:16 this morning I was awakened by God at 3:16 and He reminded me of this verse and said to pray - pray - pray - pray. I wish today I could stay home and do just that all the day long - but I must go to work, but who is to say what opportunities await me, if I will only go with the ears and eyes of Jesus, looking today to make a difference in the world that I live in at present.

To all the dead people today - I pray we die alittle more each day - until all that is left is Jesus.

R U N Revival?

God Bless You!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Seek Him and He will be found

This past week has been crazy. I didn't get to stay for the womens breakfast, I went off to school and then to stay with my sister after she had had her surgery that Friday. I was blessed to get to spend time with my Aunt Doris as well. She was admitted to the hospital that Thursday before the CFC women's meeting. It was good to listen to her, she is a wonderful saint of God and it was such a wonderful time, even though I wish it had been under better circumstances. I learned things about her I never knew and that included how God uses her in intercession. It brought JOY to my heart. God is no respector of persons and to hear how God has used her in such a way is a blessing. He is looking for anyone who is willing to lay their life down for someone else. It was incredible to say the least. She herself does not understand what God was doing and why she reacted the way she did while praying and interceding, however I was able to share some things I had been taught, since travail has been in our church for a while now. It was good.

God also gave me a wonderful way in which to bless my aunt as she was unable to go to church that Sunday. It was something she had looked forward to and God made a way so she didn't have to miss it. He is so creative and loves His children so much. It should never surprise me when He does such awesome things. It was a blessing for me as well. I felt the presence of the Lord in that church and even though I was looking forward to a continuation of the weekend after the meetings, God gave me great JOY where I was at and blessed me tremendously. What was even better was picking Dena up later on Sunday and letting her share in the JOY that the surprise brought to Aunt Dorsi. It has been a long, long, long, week with Dena having her surgery and different family members and friends being in the hospital. But I am grateful that I was able to be of service to HIM. I said I wasn't at church or prayer this week, but, I have been about my Fathers' business.

I thank God for the time spent with my church family and my family family. I have found that although God is more than enough, I still need all the above more than I realized. The pieces fit together perfectly. GLORY TO GOD!!

Continue to pray for PBR - and for 1 more to come into revival.

Friday, October 20, 2006


I have been blessed this week while fasting and seeking God. To see God move the way He wants to is amazing. It is sad to know that we hinder what He wants to do much of the time, but encouraging knowing that as a body we are once again putting down the flesh and letting God have His way. Wednesday night prayer was awesome, God really touched lives and it was amazing to see, then tonight at the Church of Praise was awesome. The word came forth in power and although the enemy had other plans, God had made provisions for His Will to be done and had prayer going on throughout the service which I believe broke the hard hearted, broke a rebellious spirit and allowed God to have His way! Glory to God!!! I know tonight there were many who made the decision to run after the Lord, and to do what they know to do by the Law. I am grateful to God I was able to witness the miraculous this week. When we are weak, the Lord is strong. I am blessed to see all that God is doing in my brothers and sisters and it gives me such Hope for others as well. As we turn to Him, fellowship intimately with Him, and dwell in His presence, we are going to see whole households saved, healings, deliverance, the broken heart mended, and purity and humbleness reign once again, not only in the house of God, but everywhere we are willing to share the goodness of the Lord. Joy unspeakable, that’s what I am talking about. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God and all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. Dare to dream, dare to trust, dare to believe and have faith in the all mighty.
We are going to be gone for the next week or so and even though we are going on VACATION, I find myself only half hearted because I don't want to miss a prayer meeting or a church service, although I know that please the Lord in itself after past actions. There again, Glory to God for His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and Faithfulness, mercy and grace. See you Soon and God Bless You! Pray that we would have a wonderful time of fellowship and that God would be the center of it, seeds planted and then watered along the way.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy - Joy

John 15:9-17

9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

Do you see as I do the importance of love and by responding with Love to the Lord and to others, God blesses us in mighty ways. He is looking for a people to follow -
God is so good! Tonight He so totally filled me with His joy. It is amazing to me how God will bless you when you are just about loving Him and worshipping Him. It was glorious and I must say the praise and worship as well as the word today from both pastors was incredible. The anointing tonight was so very strong and I entered into His presence with no thoughts outside of HIM, He was the focus of the service and I know that I was not alone in my response to Him or my adoration of Him. He was faithful to a hungry people. Tonight I once again surrendered to My Lord with all I have within me and all that I am. I emptied myself out to Him until there was nothing left of me except the desire for Him to once again reign in my life, directing my path. Thank you Lord for never leaving me or forsaking me, for loving me when I was unlovable and for restoring to me the Love I had for you and making it once again the priority. I thank you Lord for restoration of friends and the blessing of new friends, Lord you are doing exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ask or think of in this area, I am blessed and excited to be with those who love you as I do and who want to be your hands, feet, eyes and ears, compassion and love in this world we live in at present. You are awesome God and I am so totally in Love with you, yes Lord, in love with you in a way that I haven't been for a long time, truth be known, it feels more intense, more real than it ever did in the past, once again proving how wonderful you are. Thank you Lord for loving us, for giving your life up for us so that we can dwell with you forever, for all eternity!!! With a full and overflowing heart I am going to go to bed with the peace and rest of God ministering to me and praying that I will have dreams and visions of you and if not tonight, one day soon I pray that I would receive a visitation from You!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I have to start off my thoughts by saying God is a God of Restoration and I am thankful. I was so blessed by the church retreat this past weekend. Everything within me knew I had to be there and a dear friend knew I was going to be even without a spoken word from me in that regard. That knowing by her ministered to me, the fact someone still recogninzed my desire, my want to and knew me so well that I would go- despite things that could prevent me from me going. God made a way and worked it all out and I am grateful He did!!!!
I also had a word a couple of weeks ago that rang true, however I wasn't quite sure the wording was right, you know what I mean. I thought to myself, Oh God would not have had me in a dark place, He would not have had me off by myself for a season. I was under the impression that God and I worked this out together, that I chose this as a result of all the loss suffered the last few years. Although I knew and have testified that God had turned things into good, I really did not think God had set things in motion, that He had a plan to bring me to my knees, to the depths of despair, hurting and feeling betrayed, however God did have such a plan. Don't misunderstand me, I don't think God removed people I loved from my life to bring me closer to Him, but He used those situations to do just that. I did not surprise God by my reactions to situations, with the grief or with "betrayal so to speak" of my friends, family, and church. God created me, before I was formed in my mothers womb, He knew me, I am a unique sometimes very trying individual and He knew my thoughts, intentions - everything. Nothing is hidden from God, never has been. God brought me out of and through so much the last 15 years and I am blessed He did. But God wants more of me, He requires more out of me, more than I was giving, He wants a pure heart, refined, beating for Him and His purposes, that I am sad to say had been lacking to a degree. I was caught up in the trials of the world and my loved ones, I was complacent and going through the motions, content - even though I was grateful, the passion for God the reality of God had diminished. Thank God for the Triple Z plan - I had a friend tell me tonight that God had given him a hard word concerning me just a few days before my father passed away, I was never told about that word until tonight and only in part. It was a hard word, but I praised God tonight for it, God loved me enough to give that word to someone who loved and cared about me,someone who would pray and lift me up despite my attitude and actions. God knows all and how humbled I am that He does. Thank God, Thank God!!!
That was only a part of the wonder of God I experienced tonight, any doubt I have had these last few months has been put to rest, God blessed me tonight and read my mail again, only God and I knew some feelings that were trying to rise up again when the estate lawyer would call, feelings I thought had been put to rest, however as I cry out to God to refine me, He will do just that, situations will be dealt with they are not pleasing to God and He doesn't just want lip service. These wayward feelings tonight were covered by the blood, I have a transformed mind, right thinking, the mind of Christ - V is not for Vendetta - It stands for Victory in Jesus!!!! GLORY TO GOD - I LOVE YOU LORD - R. U. N. Revival?!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Tonight I went early to pray before the official prayer time started. I wanted to seek the Lord and draw nearer to Him - He gave me these verses:

John 12:35-36
35 Jesus replied, "My light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can, so you will not stumble when the darkness falls. If you walk in the darkness, you cannot see where you are going. 36 Believe in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light." After saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them.

John 12:44-50
44 Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust me, you are really trusting God who sent me. 45 For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the darkness. 47 If anyone hears me and doesn't obey me, I am not his judge--for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. 48 But all who reject me and my message will be judged at the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken. 49 I don't speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me gave me his own instructions as to what I should say. 50 And I know his instructions lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say!"

The Lords presence was so strong and prior to prayer He gave me this word:

The Lord said- See yourself for what you are outside of me, repent and then see yourself IN ME, free, loved, healed - the light in dark places - only IN ME can my purpose be accomplished through you - STAY IN ME - I long for you to be there always, I wait patiently for you, COME!

God desires for us to repent of our sins - He longs for us to fellowship with Him- we are to be His hands, feet, ears,and even mouth on this earth - we may be the only Jesus that some people see - we are His light when we choose to walk with Him and obey Him. I love Him with a whole heart and I am crying out for Him to purify my heart, to refine me, I want all that is not God to be driven out and I want once again live my life for Him without reservation, with excitement, expectancy, and joy. I want to be in tune to people and show His love and compassion for them, they may need only a smile, hug, or word of encouragement - I need to be ready to be called into service by my maker, who with such love molded me into what I am and will be. I LOVE YOU JESUS - R U N REVIVAL?!!!!!